Monday, October 3, 2011


So, as a kid I was a BAD ONE going to peoples houses knocking on doors running away, vandalizing, throwing rocks through windows of houses that kind of stuff NOT COOL. This note is going to go into some of that.

Okay, when I was born I was born into the worst home imaginable. Born in the slums of Tampa Fl. As young as three I remember BM (Biological Mom I am just going to say BM for short) would be partying and getting drunk always having bad checks and crack all different kind of things. One night I remember Gma (she was always ith us to take care of us) had sent everyone to bed when BM was "out". I could barely see over the window sill I was supposed to be in bed but I hid and stayed up. BM came home very late. I was so scared! I loved BM she was my mommy.....

Anyhow when I was in kindergarten we moved to Ponce De Leon Fl. this is where I joined my first "gang" we would go out and destroy things like cars,windows, anything small enough that we could do it as young kids. I remember one night in late October right before Halloween we went down the block it was cold and dreery the leaves were on the ground and we were all wanting to get into trouble. So went got some crap (where it came from and what kind I do not know) put it in a bag and lit it on fire in front of someones door.

When I got to foster care in 2000 I quickly realized NOONE in this world cared not wanted me it was all me and me only. If I wanted something it was me me me me me. Since noone cared for me I did what I wanted when I wanted. Why bother and try to be better when all I was in EVERYONES eyes was trash. I lived up to my name well.

When I was in 4rd grade (at this time I was in "Foster care") I was part of a different "gang" in Bonifay Fl. This time we didn't care at all what we did we were mean to littler kids and did what we could to just be mischievious. Once I beat up a teacher her name was Mrs.Ester (as a 10 y/o) she was being "mean" so I literally got my fist out and left bruises, bite marks and claw marks. They called the cops..... I got arrested that day. The cops came and not only handcuffed me but also they leg cuffed me as well. When I got arrested I was crying on the inside noone could tell it though I refused to show them how scared I was. I was a MAN I was not going to show emotion by crying like a GIRL. Well they finger printed me and a few hrs later I was back at my Foster home. I was still mean and mischievious after that day. If it had not been for my parents adopting me in '02 I would still be that way today. I would be "Seth" off the movie Courageous.